Thursday, October 06, 2005

The simple truth..

"In the first place ,I was removed from all the wickedness of the world here. I had neither the lust of the flesh,the lust of the eye,or the pride of life. I had only nothing to covet; for I had all that I was now capable of enjoying.

I was lord of the whole manor; or if I pleased, I might call myself king, or the emperor over the whole countrywhich I had the posession of. There were no rivals. I had no competetor, none to dispute soverignity or command with me.

I had grapes enough to make wine, timber to have built a fleet of ships. But all that i could make use of was all that was valuable. I had enough to eat , and to supply my wants, and what was all the rest to me?....

In a word, the nature and experience of things dictated to me upon just reflection that all good things of this world are no farther good to us than they are for our use.

Here, the most covetous gripping miser of the world would have been cured....I posessed more than infinitely more than I know what to do with, I had no room for desire.....a parcel of money, as well gold as silver, .. ..Alas! there the nasty , sorry,useless stuff lay and I had no manner of business for it....."

---" Robinson Crusoe"---Daniel Defoe.

Just thought i would type this out..... very thought provoking ..... made me think..

Lord of all things